Laments About Arthritic Adventures

Devilish December Book Angst.

I Didn't Make the List, Again. Bah Humbug!

Book angst

It’s the holiday season, the time when most peoples’ minds and tummies turn to shopping and food. Not me. Devilish December signals my full-blown seasonal book angst. You think I’m kidding? Read on. Read more


Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Giving thanks. 

Good health. A loving family. Lots of friends. Rewarding work. Loyal readers.

So much to feel grateful for.


From our home to yours,

Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving. 


Here’s hoping you too find much to feel grateful for

as we celebrate this festive — and caloric — occasion!


Gifts I DO Want

Greed is Good ... or So I Heard

Gifts I do want

Last week I detailed a lengthy list of gifts I don’t want for the holidays. This week, I turn to the gifts I do want. It’s a shorter list, but it’s pricy. So, hold on to your wallets and buckle up. It’s a doozy! Read more

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Gifts I Don’t Want

Thanks, But No Thanks

a set of unicorn snot lip gloss
From a lip gloss labeled “Unicorn Snot” to other assorted weird what-nots, holiday gift lists are dropping like hotcakes. In response, I’ve prepared a list of eight items I definitely don’t want … and I’m pretty sure you won’t either. Take a peak and see.

Read more

Food Fights

In the Kitchen and Washington, D.C.

Food fights

When did food become Public Enemy No. 1? We’re constantly in food fights with ourselves (the eternal battle for self-control) or occasionally, consciously or not, we’re subverting the diets of the ones we love. Why they’re even having food fights in our nation’s Capitol!

This week, I’ve got tales of all three. Read more

An Epic Passing

Going Out with a Roar

An epic passing

Like many people of a “certain age,” Handsome Hubby scans the daily newspaper obituary notices. He signs, moans, and groans when he learns of the passing of yet another classmate or long-ago colleague. I used to roll my eyes. “How long has it been since you spoke to them or even thought of him/her?” I would say unsympathetically. But the other day, he shared the obituary of a man I had never met. It brought me to tears. The obituary detailed an epic passing — one that Handsome Hubby and I now aspire to! Read more

Liar, Liar

My Pants are on Fire!

Liar. Liar

From childhood on, we are taught not to lie. Yet, in my increasing decrepitude, I realize I increasingly lie … and that is the truth! Yes, liar, liar. My pants are on fire! Read more


Belly Button Lint and the Ig Nobel Prizes

Welcome to the Land of The Who Knew

Belly button lint

I’ve been navel-gazing — all in the name of science, and I’ve learned a lot about belly button lint. Of course, I want to share. So, buckle up, my friends, for this first-ever Muddling through Middle Age, SCIENCE EDITION! Read more

Celebrating the Dog Days of Summer

Something Different. A Somewhat Visual Blog!

Dog Days of Summer

Here’s something different! Just for fun in keeping with these lazy dog days of summer, I thought I’d offer something different … a somewhat visual collection of signs, slogans, and jokes I’ve collected that gave me a tickle. Now I hope they give you one too.

Enough preamble! Let the ramble begin! Read more