Laments About Arthritic Adventures

Updates from My Aqua Fitness Class

Getting Along Fine in the Alone Lane

aqua fitness

I’m from NYC, so you’d think I’d be used to crowds but somehow when it comes to my Aqua Fitness class, I’m in a league — and lane — of my own. Read more

All the News Not Fit to Deliver

A Customer Service Lament

all the news

“All the News Not Fit to Deliver.” That PLUS “customer service be damned” should be the new motto of both my beloved New York Times and the local newspaper here in Reno, Nevada.

Since Christmas, Read more

Five Days, Seven Shows

But Like All Good Plans, Something Unplanned Occurred

Seven shows

After three years of pandemic small world-ness, I was yearning for a trip “home.” Thirty-six months away from NYC, my childhood and forever spiritual home, was too long. An eternity. Now, finally, we were heading back. The plan: five days, seven shows. What could go wrong?  Read more

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New Year’s Wishes

Nw Year's Wishes

Greetings to all my fellow middle-aged muddlers,

Is it really — already — a new year? Shocking and exciting!

May 2023 bring you love, health, and happiness.

From our home to yours,
Karen and Handsome Hubby 

Early New Year’s Resolutions

Declare Goals Early. Accept Failure Quickly!

New Year's Resolutions

I like to get my New Year’s resolutions stated, started — and failed — early. That way I can begin the new year with my guilt gone and sense of order intact. “Same old. Same old me” is my mantra.

We all know exercise is good for you, at least that’s what the experts say. But I’m beginning to have my doubts. And fitness slacker that I am, I dare to pose the question: Read more

Channeling My Channel Confusion

So Many Streaming Services. So Many Passwords

Channeling Channel Confusion

So many great programs to watch at home these days, but accessing them is an exercise in channel confusion. Every time I pick something to view, I discover it’s only available on a streaming service we don’t subscribe to.

The problem — and my frustration — is especially acute Read more


8 Tips for Holiday Gift-GETTING Fulfillment

Sure-Fire Ways to Get the Gifts YOU Want

Gift-getting fulfillment

Thanksgiving is over. Cyber and store sales are in full swing. Time to write my holiday gift list. I’m not talking about my holiday gift-giving list. I’m talking about my gift-getting list. Oh, as I like to call it, my “Really, Really Want, Gotta Have, Pretty Please, If you Love Me” gift-getting fulfillment list. Read more

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Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving, my dear Muddling through Middle Age friends,

In the midst of grocery shopping and cooking (including my own first-time solo baking of pies), I’m pausing to give thanks — thanks to all of you for coming along on this mostly humorous writing journey through our almost-oldster years. Your comments, your emails, and most of all, your support mean the world to me. I hope you’re enjoying my blog half as much as I am writing it!

From Handsome Hubby and myself,
Much joy, health, and happiness to you as we begin this festive time of year.

Until next week, I close this message with just one word — gratitude.


Sink or Swim?

Will Excuses or Willpower Win the Day?

Sink or Swim

I’ve got a nasty case of the wintertime blues. It’s leaving me feeling old, fragile, and unfit. But I’m a fighter, a take-charge kind of woman. So, I’m not down for the count. Now, in my latest attempt to win the Battle of Old Age, I’m taking drastic new steps — more precisely new laps. Will I sink or swim? That is today’s question. Read more


A Delightful Blast from the Past

In Touch after 48 Years

A Blast from the Past

I’ve been down in the dumps for some time — not about everything, just about one big topic. My world has grown smaller or at least, the number of people I hold dear has grown fewer.

I’m not talking about the passage-of-time fewer people, the deaths and the distance that occur as we age. That sadly is to be expected.

No, instead I’m talking about Read more